Top Safety Tips for Seniors While Traveling Abroad

Top Safety Tips for Seniors While Traveling Abroad



Many senior travelers are also seasoned travelers, and know how to look after themselves. However, concerns can develop around physical limitations and health.old man reading a map at a tourist site

So, over and above the safety tips that relate to everyone, seniors should perhaps note the following:

Health Checkup

Have a health checkup before you leave. This will ensure a comfortable and hassle free trip. Many tourists get sick while traveling developing countries. Due to high pollution levels, old people are likely to get sick due to diarrhea, asthma.

Have a Health Insurance

Make sure that you have appropriate health insurance cover, that will cover you in the countries you are visiting. No matter how many precautions you may take, things are likely to go south. The only way to deal with misfortunes is insurance.

Travel Insurance Guide

Register with IAMAT

Register with the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers (IAMAT). This is a non-profit organization, founded in 1960. It will help you find clinics and doctors who speak English. There is no charge but you can make a donation.

Carry your Medication

Take sufficient of your regular medication with you, as it is not always certain that you’ll be able to get it at your destination. Carry a doctor’s letter and the prescription with you and leave tablets in their original wrappings. You don’t want to be confused with a drug smuggler! Read more about medications, you can/can’t take with you.

You also need to take good care of your hygiene while traveling.

Avoid Peak Seasons

Unless you are very fit, avoid very hectic itineraries. Booking out of season is an option to miss huge crowds and jostling.

Choose proper Accommodation

Your accommodation and the excursions you plan will be dependent on whether you can walk long distances or handle stairs, so do careful research to find out what is available. If you need a wheelchair, ask for one, especially at airports, where you might otherwise walk for miles!

Travel Light

Travel even lighter than other travelers! Try to have just one bag on wheels. If you need a second, make sure that it can be attached to the first one. If you have connecting flights, check your baggage straight through, so you are lighter in the transit airports. Plan you layovers for fewer security checks and less stress.

Flight/Air Motion Sickness Remedies

Be aware of the dangers of deep vein thrombosis on flights, so move frequently and stay hydrated. One popular method of avoiding hurting legs is to use compression socks. They are very effective and pilots/air-hostess swear by them.

Compression Socks for Flights

Happy Travels

The most important tip for senior travelers is to keep traveling! Take some basic safety precautions, use some common sense, trust your gut feelings – and have a wonderful time!

7 Very Simple Travel Safety Tips for Everyone

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