How to Fit Everything in One Bag?
How to pack efficiently for extended travel in one bag?
This is one of the most common questions we receive from our readers every day. So we decided to make a post about it using our experience.
Get Rid of Excess
No need to pack multiple pairs of clothes, if you can make it work with just 2,3 pairs. The number of pairs of clothes to pack should depend on the trip. If its dry climate then your quick dry clothes will help. You should also be merciless in choosing what you carry. If there is a chance that you might not need on the trip, then get rid of it. There are a number of things you can buy on the destination itself.
For example, I only carry 2 pairs of pants, jacket, and sweatshirts. There are many travelers that carry more than 3 pairs.
Carry Less
Some people like to carry many pairs of travel socks, quick-drying underwear or shirts. If you can wash them on the trip or there is laundry nearby then you can cut the number in half.
Quick-drying and Lightweight Underwear for Travelers
Wear the Bulk
Wear the bulky items like jackets, sweatshirts. They take up a lot of space in the bag and make you feel like taking another bag. But you can save some hassle if you can wear as much as possible of the bulky items. Wear your clothes in layers and put on/off layers as required. You can simply stuff your jacket in the overhead compartment.
Roll and Pack Your Clothes
Learn the Ranger Roll Method. This method is very efficient. You should be able to pack 2-3x more clothes just by rolling your clothes rather than folding. But do keep in mind that clothes can become wrinkled easily if not rolled neatly or they become unrolled. This is why you should also prefer wrinkle-free clothing for your trips.
You can also use compression sacks rather than Packing Cubes to pack more efficiently. On our hiking trips, we prefer to carry compression sacks, while on business trips we like to carry packing cubes.
It’s not just what you pack but how you pack can also save you space.
- Put the bulkier and less frequently used clothes at the bottom.
- Roll and keep your regular clothes in the middle.
- Stuff socks and underwear on the sides.
- Then at the top put the frequently used clothes or clothes that need to be folded. This is it. If you liked it then share. If there is any other tip you know please let us know in the comments below.
Written By Kate Mark

Kate is a mid-lifer who quit a growing corporate career to reawaken her passions and her lifelong dream of traveling the world.